This moose belongs to me (book needed)

You are going to need the book 'This moose belongs to me' by Oliver Jeffers for this session.

Wilfred finds a moose and decides that it’s his. He puts a label on the moose with his chosen name, ‘Marcel (owned by Wilfred)’. But when he’s out with his moose and someone else thinks its their moose – with a different name(!) how can they find out whose moose it really is?

Task questions:

  • Is it Wilfred’s moose?
  • If he puts the label on, is it Wilfred’s moose?
  • Is his name Marcel? How can you find out?
  • Is his name Rodrigo? How can you find out?
  • If you put a label on something, is it yours?

Download This moose belongs to me (book needed)