Philosophy for Children
Philosophy with children? Yes, with nursery all the way up to young adults. We bring philosophy to children in a variety of ways - through in-school programmes - including nursery - online classes, after school clubs, home education groups, hospital schools, festivals, events, museums, galleries, theatre, even buses! We run one-day workshops, short courses (5-10 weeks) as well as providing resident philosophers in schools bringing weekly philosophy sessions to children all the way through their schooling.
If you want to know more about what philosophy is, or the history of 'P4C' (Philosophy for Children) then visit About Us, if you want us to help create a special project with you, please get in touch.

We have had Philosophy at Horniman for a number of years and even with our ever-decreasing budgets, it is something we will ensure we continue to do. It supports all children in a number of ways; giving all a level of confidence and understanding to their thought, enabling them to challenge all aspects of their learning and experiences. We do Philosophy from Year 2 and the impact by Year 6 is clearly measurable. It can also be seen through the way children are able to articulate themselves giving them a valuable life skill.
Julie Loffstadt, Horniman Primary School, Lewisham