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A Dog's Life

Philosophy Diogenes was a Cynic, a group of philosophers in Hellenistic times (c. 323-146 BCE) that dropped out of conventional society much like modern-day hippies. The origin of the word 'cynic' comes from the Greek (via Latin) for 'dog', and has the same root as the English word 'canine'. In this story we explore th...

Ages: Ages 11-14 (KS3), Ages 7-11 (KS2)

Subjects: Ethics

Themes: Responsibility, Independence, Happiness, Freedom, Ancient Greek

Becky's Bright Idea Part 1

Stimulus This is a true story about a girl called Becky who had a very bright idea when she was 10 years old. Becky was just a normal girl and lived with a normal family in a normal town in America. One normal day after school Becky’s mum took her shopping. Her mum had to leave her in the car just for a few minutes while she pop...

Ages: Ages 11-14 (KS3), Ages 7-11 (KS2)

Subjects: Ethics

Themes: Responsibility, Happiness, Entrepreneurialism, Consequences, Choice

Do you deserve it?

By Steve Hoggins This session is based on the story The little red hen. The difference being that in the tale the other characters holds exactly the same position – they don’t want to help. Resources 3 Puppets Story generation Introduce the three characters by name (I used to get the children to choose) and then s...

Ages: Ages 5-7 (KS1)

Subjects: Ethics

Themes: Responsibility, Obligations, Fairness, Deserving

Doing Without Doing

Stimulus Describe (and draw) the following two scenarios: Scenario A: You see someone walking along and next to you is a plank of wood. They are not looking where they are going. You decide to place the plank of wood in front of the person so that they will trip over. You do this and they don’t notice and they trip over and hurt them...

Ages: Ages 11-14 (KS3), Ages 7-11 (KS2)

Subjects: Ethics

Themes: Responsibility, Consequences, Causation, Action

Larry David and the Glasses

Designed by Steven Campbell-Harris Starter Activity Play the following clip (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T2yCmW0ARs0) up to 2:16 into the video. Stop the clip and ask the Task Question: should Larry pay for the glasses? Task questions: Who is responsible for the glasses? Whose fault is it that the glasses are broken? ...

Ages: Ages 16-18 (KS5), Ages 14-16 (KS4), Ages 11-14 (KS3)

Subjects: Ethics

Themes: Responsibility, Obligations, Fairness

The Big Red Button

Thinking about Risk and Responsibility Session by Peter Worley. The emphasis throughout this lesson plan is on risk and responsibility, however you may want to include a discussion around self control and desire. If so, during the first enquiry (around TQ1) have the class explore how much they want (or would want) to press the button and h...

Ages: Ages 14-16 (KS4), Ages 11-14 (KS3), Ages 7-11 (KS2)

Subjects: Ethics, Epistemology

Themes: Self-control, Responsibility, Knowledge

The Magic Ring and The Red Switch

  You are walking along and find a box. Inside this box is a magic ring. It’s magic because if you put it on, it will change you into something completely different. Task questions 1: If the ring could turn you into a FISH (for the rest of your life), would you put it on? If the ring could turn you into a GIANT, woul...

Ages: Ages 3-5 (EYFS), Ages 5-7 (KS1)

Subjects: Ethics

Themes: Change, Choice, Responsibility

Who Gains and Who Loses

A three-minute play by Paul Bodin.   Revised by fifth graders Audrey McCarthy & Jasmine Klein For more info on how to use this play for an enquiry, have a look at Pete's blog at the following link: https://www.philosophy-foundation.org/blog/dialogues-in-philosophy-with-children. (Note:  CAFO is pronounced “ka&rdq...

Ages: Ages 14-16 (KS4), Ages 11-14 (KS3), Ages 7-11 (KS2)

Subjects: Language and Meaning, Humanities, Ethics

Themes: Rights, Responsibility, Politics

Who Turned on My Phone?

By Steven Hoggins This is a session based on ideas of responsibility – to what extent is someone responsible for their actions and the consequences of their actions? Resources: 3 pupils and something to turn on – I use my phone which has an on button on the front. Session Stimulus Place the phone in the middle of the c...

Ages: Ages 3-5 (EYFS), Ages 5-7 (KS1), Ages 7-11 (KS2)

Subjects: Ethics

Themes: Action, Causation, Responsibility